Amarte Fonds

It really hurts when your head hits the concrete


Nick Deroo and Tom de Ronde received a contribution for the development of the theatrical performance It really hurts when your head hits the concrete. In the performance, a man drags his companion with him as a rag doll. A 70-pound body tied to him. En route and lost, they search for a way out with the rag doll serving as a living Swiss Army knife. Tap its head and water comes out or climb it as a lookout tower when searching for directions. But what if your companion suddenly won't go any further.

DeRonde/Deroo consists of mimers Nick Deroo and Tom de Ronde. Both studied at the Mime school at the Amsterdam School of the Arts. There they found each other in their shared love for immersive cinematic theater: theater in which, as a viewer, you are immersed in a surreal, absurdist world with its own rules. Codes that do not apply in mainstream reality prevail in the work of de Ronde and Deroo. Their chosen dramaturgy refers to film editing techniques thanks to the extensive role of lighting and sound design.